Amazon SES connections are not required since 2021, reach out via live chat for an approval to send via BigMailer.

We release updates on weekends, usually once a month. Sometimes if a new feature is small and highly anticipated we may have a bi-weekly release cycle. We are always working on something, so if you don’t see entries for some months that means we are making backend improvements and upgrades behind the scenes.

You can submit requests for features or offer your feedback via this survey.

Product Roadmap

Q4 2024 – 2025

  1. Multi-brand reporting dashboard
  2. AI-assist for subject line generation
  3. Expand webhooks to contact added event (except for bulk imports) – this can help with integrations 
  4. Built-in Spam testing integrated into campaign management workflow. No need to leave BigMailer platform for spam testing your email or pay for this as a separate service. Want to be an early tester of this feature and give us feedback? Reach out via live chat icon.
  5. Expanded automations – allow other action types beside sending an email (e.g. move into another list, remove from sequence, etc).
  6. Campaign reporting – expand to show contacts who clicked on a specific email, improved reports, report sharing.

What’s Next:

In Progress: We are working on an option to detect bot activity and to have an option to not show bot activity in your campaign stats.

Recently Launched

September 15: Brand properties

Brand properties are custom fields that are stored at brand level, and can be inserted into a shared email template using merge tags. These fields can store strings or HTML. This allows easy customization of templates that are used across many brands, without making brand-specific updates. This is especially helpful for franchises that manage many locations or agencies that send updates for clients in the same industry, while using shared and branded email templates. Examples of data that can be stored in brand properties are – location address, website, phone number, social accounts, or even an HTML block storing an entire email footer.

Brand properties

If you think you need this feature, please reach out to us via live chat to turn it on for you.

August 25: Email validation via API and forms

  1. Built-in email validation was expanded to contacts added via APIs and web forms. To validate emails added via API just pass a flag validate=true to either of these two api endpoints – create contact, upsert contact. When this flag is set, all emails added via API will be validated and any invalid emails will get discarded.
  2. You can also turn on email validation on your embedded web forms with a simple checkbox: built-in email validation
  3. The maximum size of the blog post in RSS feeds was updated from 60k to 100k. Any posts larger than the maximum size will not be processed by RSS campaign type.

July 14: New template manager role and new web page templates

  1. We added a new user role! Template manager can is exactly what it sounds like – they can manage templates in your account and nothing else. Ideal for template designers or copywriters who create your templates, with no access to sending campaigns. Read more about user roles and permissions.
  2. We added a variety of web page templates – personal sites and newsletters by industry, like real estate, restaurants, finance, software, etc. Browse new templates here, without logging in.
  3. We also organized our email template library into categories, so it’s easier to find what you are looking for – newsletters, promotions, transactional, and seasonal.

May 19: UX updates

We released a few UX enhancements in various places. All the things our customers have been asking for:

  1. Campaign search by name
  2. Custom columns during the export
  3. Send yourself an email when there is a form submission on your landing pages

Apr 14: Direct integration with SparkLoop

BigMailer customers can now grow and monetize their newsletters with SparkLoop, the #1 newsletter recommendations platform, using a direct integration.

See announcement post for more details. 

Mar 24: Typo domains check during email validation

Many typo domains are setup as spam traps, which traditional email validation providers would not label as. invalid. BigMailer uses a proprietary data set to identify some of these typo spam traps to ensure they don’t harm your sender reputation, at no extra cost to you.

Feb 11: Email verification during a list import

BigMailer customers can now verify their email lists during the import step, saving time and money on using 3rd party tools outside BigMailer that cost x2-3 more than BigMailer verification service.

Email verification rate at the time of this announcement is $1.5 per 1k contacts and credits can be purchased in increments of 10k. Any unused credits will remain as a balance on your account. Volume discounts are available for purchasing 100k, 500k, and 1M validation credits. Please reach out to support via live chat to buy credits with a volume discount.

There are 2 payment options – use existing credit balance or buy more credits. Customers with Administrator role (only) can buy credits from their Billing page, under the Pre-Paid credits tab.

Jan 13: Automatic image optimization

We added automatic image optimization for uploaded images over 500kb in size. It’s currently being tested by some customers and we plan to turn it on by default for all future customers. If you want this feature on your account please reach out to us via chat.

Dec 17: Added support for RSS:CONTENT tag

You can now pull contents of the content tag in your RSS feeds into your email template. 

Aug 13: Email Archive Page

Ever wondered how you can share your latest newsletter on social or link to an archive of your newsletters on your website? We added an archive page just for this!

BigMailer Archive page setting

And here is what it would look like. If you don’t want some of your campaigns to show up on archive page, just set their status to archived. NOTE: These links to your past emails will not generate extra campaign-level engagement unlike the link you would copy from your View in Browser page.

BigMailer Email Archive Page

Aug 2: Added Print and Download buttons for campaigns

You can now print or download a PDF on the campaign report screen. 


July 29: Campaign Reporting UI, RSS Campaign Pause Option

1. “Engagement by Domain” is now a tab in the campaign navigation and we added “Print” and “Save as PDF” buttons:

Campaign report UI

2. You can now pause RSS campaigns, which is helpful when replacing them with new versions or during testing.


May 7: AB testing on subject line in bulk campaigns

You can now test up to 3 subject lines on bulk/promotional campaigns. Just click on “AB test” button and add extra subject lines.


Once your campaign is done sending, the winner will be selected after 2 hours based on best open rate.

AB test results

AB test results

Mar 24: Pre-made Page Templates

We added some templates to help you get started – agency page, webinar/event signups, personal site, promotions, and more.

Page templates

Mar 18: Landing Pages are LIVE

Here is everything you can do with landing pages. Need some help? Check out this help article with step-by-step and some videos.

  1. You can setup landing pages hosted either on a) BigMailer domain, or b) your own customer site domain that you own.
  2. Host a landing page in the root of your domain.
  3. Use landing pages with or without email/data collection forms.
  4. See landing pages stats – visits, clicks, form conversions
  5. Upload and use images hosted on BigMailer or use images from your website.
  6. User forms to collect emails or other data.
  7. Run polls and surveys to collect more info on your subscribers.

Dec 29: New pre-made templates

We added 30 new templates into our library – some seasonal, some promotional (legal, apps, real estate).

Dec 22: More scheduling options for RSS-to-email campaigns

You can now select send time every 15 min, not just top of the hour.

Nov 15: Brand-level suppression lists

You can now manage suppression lists at brand level that do not count towards your billing total.

Oct 2: Smarter Importing via CSV

You now have an option to skip rows with invalid data in some custom fields (too long, wrong data type, wrong format) and import email and other valid fields. This option allows importing maximum number of contacts and downloading a CSV file with detailed info on errors.

Sep: New APIs for campaign creation/sending

You can now:
These APIs would be helpful to anyone integrating BigMailer into their own applications and allow to automatically on-board a new client/customer for those managing multiple brands with similar needs.

Apr: Webhooks expanded to open and click events

You can now send open and click events via webhook, which you can configure on the API page. See our documentation for more details.

Mar: APIs for creating brands and new user invites. Sharing sender domain across brands.

You can now programmatically create a brand and create/invite a user.

It’s now possible to share a sender domain across brands when using BigMailer sending service. Once a domain is verified, an account administrator can check a box that exposes that domain across brands as a verified sender. This is primarily helpful for franchises or multi-location companies, or businesses that need to split their list access by team. For example, some companies have teams or professionals that handle certain industries or types of businesses and want them to only have access to the lists they own.


New UPSERT contact endpoint – update contact record if exist, otherwise create a new contact.

Dec: Amazon SES connection is now optional

3rd party connections (ex. Amazon SES, SparkPost) are no longer required to send with BigMailer. Would like to try it out? Contact us via chat.

Requirements for sending without SES: website on a sender domain that we can review. Verifying sender domain (not just sender email) via DNS records is required.

Nov: New segmentation conditions, account timezone setting

We made 2 updates to segmentation conditions:

1. You can now use “in the last X days” condition with any date fields, either custom fields you added or our system defined DateAdded field. This can be useful to filter recently added subscribers.

2. Campaign engagement condition for date range was updated from max of 180 days to 360 days.

Account timezone is set automatically at the time of account creation, but you can now change it at anytime under your Account Settings page.


Timezone settings


Oct: Option to connect to SparkPost

This option isn’t shown in UI by default, so please reach out to us via chat to enable it in your account.


Sep: Sending queue reshuffling. Agency plan lower limit.

The sending queue is now shuffled to avoid bounce rate spikes for batches of older contacts.

The Agency plan now starts at 300k contacts (was 500k before) which makes white label option more accessible for smaller agencies.


Aug: UX updates

  • Contact list view now includes subscriber status
  • Contact list view default sorting order is now based on DateAdded with recently added at the top.
  • Contact activity log now includes bounces, complaints, and unsubscribe events.

Jul: Integromat Integration is now live

Integromat integration is now live so you can find BigMailer in the list of apps to connect.


Jun: User Activity Log – Expanded

User activity log now includes all event types – send, open, click, unsubscribe, complaint, and bounces.


Apr: New User Role – Account Manager

Some agencies have been asking about a user role that allows setting up new brands, but without ability to export lists under those brands and so we added Account Manager role to address this need. Account Manager does not have access to Billing Page or user management like Admins.


Jan: GetContact API, new SES regions

  • Removed [] around links in text version
  • The Get Contact API now returns info on soft/hard bounces and complaints.
  • Support for new SES regions
  • A link to reconfigure your SES connection next to region name


Dec: Brand contacts limits

Agencies and consultants can now set contact limits for each brand, to avoid unexpected consequences with account limits. This can be managed on the brand settings page by users in Administrator role.


Nov 7: Liquid templating, message types on web forms.

  1. Liquid templating with support for: a) fallback value b) if/else condition c) loops for listing multiple records. See doc with examples.
  2. Displaying message types as checkboxes on the web forms
  3. Support for multiple RSS items
  4. Brand managers with access to only 1 brand will not see the brand dashboard and will be redirected to the campaigns dashboard

Oct 4: Hosted webforms, improved Unsubscribe page

Hosted webforms – you can now copy a link or preview a webform as a standalone page during the webform creation step.

We have increased max image width/height on the logo on the Unsubscribe page and tightened up vertical space.


Sep 25: SES Connections, Campaign Sorting, CVS Imports

A few small things:

– Delete SES connections as self-service. Connected to a wrong region or lost a client? You can now delete your SES connections without waiting for support.

– Improved campaign sorting order.

– Improved error handling for CVS file imports.


Sep 10: Automation Campaign

– You can now delete individual steps in the automation campaign, not just pause them.

– Better file names for downloadable reports to help you locate them more easily.

– Send tags to SES based on field data. This can be useful for integrations with your in-house applications and needs to be turned on per account, so if you need this please reach out via live chat.


Aug 18: Throttling, List-unsubscribe, New SES Regions

– Campaign send volume throttling. If you send to more than 50k emails at once this feature may help you improve your deliverability and inbox placement if you spread the volume over a period of time. Reach out to us via live chat to have throttling enabled on your account.

– Added list-unsubscribe in email headers

– Added support for new SES regions


Aug 11: Sending without SES – Beta

We launched BigMailer sending solution to allow sending emails without connecting to SES, but it’s by invitation only and not yet publicly available. If your list size is over 100k and you would like to try out our solution please connect with us over live chat.


June 27: Improved Segmentation and Downloadable Campaign Reports

You can now combine inline conditions with your saved segments, or just stack multiple saved segments.

Many of our customers wanted to download campaign stats for a specific engagement type to help sync up records with their CRMs or internal databases. You can now download CVS reports from the campaign screen by clicking on the download icon next to the engagement metric.



June 20: RSS to Email Campaign Type

You can now setup automated emails based on changes to your RSS feed, a great option for blogs and content heavy websites. Check out this post on how to setup an RSS campaign.

April 11: Invoices and Receipts

  1. Accounting: download or print your invoices and receipts, see detailed info on upgrades/downgrades. Go to your Billing page, then click on Invoices.

2. Click to Opens Ratio (CTOR) statistic on the campaign dashboard page to help you compare your campaigns performance.

March 8: 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)

You can now setup 2FA on your account for a more secure access. Highly recommended for account administrators who manage users and billing. You can start by clicking on Account in the application header after logging in, then selecting “Profile”. On the profile page click on “Enable” under the 2FA section and follow instructions for activation.

February 2: Drag-n-drop editor upgrade, save campaign template into library

We have upgraded our drag-n-drop email template editor to improve performance and apply various optimizations.

You can now save templates from your draft/complete campaigns as your library templates. Previously you had to create a template under Templates tab in order to reuse them on other campaigns, now you can push templates both ways library<>campaign. Many of our customers asked for this workflow improvement.

January 27: Webhook for event data, new affiliate program

  1. Webhook for syncing bounces, complaints, and unsubscribes with external systems and applications is now live. This is designed as a self-service – you specify a URL to post data to and event type for BigMailer send you updates for. You can setup your webhook on the API page (after logging into app) and specify the event type (unsubscribe, bounce, complaint) for BigMailer to send you. You can find full documentation here.
  2. We have set out on a mission to offer the best email marketing affiliate program with dual incentives – referrals get 50% off their first month and affiliates earn 30% off sales. Check out the link above for complete terms.